
CEMEX is the largest ready mixed company in the world which supplies upwards of 50 million cubic meters of concrete annually, an integral part of concrete production is Concrete Admixtures or Additives as it is commonly called in the industry. CEMEX has 13 admixture plants situated globally and ships the entire line of admixtures via the normal shipping routes in containerized and bulk cargo.
We supply the entire line of admixtures for all concrete applications which includes Water Reducers, Retarders, Superplasticizers, Water Proofing, Air Entrainers and Corrosion Inhibitors.
Our specialist line also supply admixtures for Block Manufacturing, Pre Cast and Cement Manufacturing processes.
CEMEX also provides technical support to customers through our Value Added program.
Our line of admixtures meets the requirements of both ASTM and BS. EN standards and is supported by plant and independent certification.
CEMEX has recently launched its line of Micro and Macro Fiber Reinforcement for all concrete applications which will be an integral part of our Value Offer program.
CEMEX Admixtures is available via our operations throughout the region via our Industrial and Commercial Advisor Maneesh (Ray) Dhanoo. (M) 868 360 4664. (E)
Download our brochure for details on our full line of admixtues and products.