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TCL recently hosted twelve part-time Civil Engineering students of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) for a tour of its Claxton Bay plant and Mayo Quarry.

The visit was in partial fulfillment of the requirements for their ‘Construction Science and Materials’ practicum. This is a final level development of the National Engineering Technician’s Diploma (NETD) in Civil Engineering. 

Guillermo Rojo, General Manager delivered a captivating welcome address as he shared aspects of his work experience and spoke about the importance of education in widening their prospects for the future.

Avaleen Mooloo, RML’s Operations Coordinator also laid a solid foundation as she educated the students on the concrete manufacturing process. Next was a fascinating ‘live’ demonstration in the lab conducted by Salsa Joefield, Lab Technician.

The visit concluded with a ‘behind the scenes’ view of the Quarry by Kurt Rocke, Foreman. 

The students are expected to complete the programme in January 2021.












Trinidad Cement Limited got the wheels rolling with its first Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Programme on November 21 at the Claxton Bay Senior Anglican School. 

119 students were captivated and excited as RML’s safety-branded concrete mixer featuring the message “DON’T CHANCE IT….Look out before you step out” drove on to the school compound.

The student’s smiles were priceless as they were all eager to learn about road safety. Guillermo Rojo, General Manager was on hand to greet the students and share some essential tips about safe behaviour on the nation’s roadways. 

Presenters, Elena Dupres, Ayana Greaves and Deann Bedassie divided the students into smaller groups and held informative
and interactive sessions about road awareness. 

This event was a resounding success due to the teamwork and collaborative efforts of TCL and RML’s staff. GREAT JOB TEAM!!!