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The spotlight is on TCL’s Denise Hernandez, Customs Clerk and Riaz Babwah, Engineering Services Supervisor for their exemplary work in promoting Health and Safety throughout the workplace during the 4th Quarter.

They were each presented with a basket of fruits by Elena Dupres, Industrial Nurse while being recently honoured. Hernandez was recognized for her commitment in promoting healthy lifestyles among employees and Babwah for demonstrating a strong safety culture by leading by example at the plant.

We salute them both and encourage all employees to continue promoting healthy and safe practices!








Readymix recently partnered with the University of Trinidad and Tobago ( UTT) by hosting twenty (20) engineering students for a 2-day plant tour at
Guanapo and Melajo.

The sessions were spearheaded by Avaleen Mooloo, RML Coordinator, who imparted a wealth of knowledge and key insights on the concrete and cement manufacturing methods. Students were highly motivated and showed a keen interest in learning more about various aspects of the operations. A visual demo of concrete batching was one of the main highlights.

Overall, the students gained a full appreciation and were able to make a strong connection between what was learnt in the classroom and the actual process.

Hoping to see some of these young talented students on board the TCL Family!